WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management is the leading private business school in Germany and is continuously ranked among the top business schools in Europe. On WHU’s two campuses in Vallendar (near Koblenz) and Düsseldorf, faculty, students, and staff enjoy working in a stimulating international environment. The organizational culture combines an entrepreneurial attitude and international orientation with a strong sense of community and diversity and a high commitment to excellence.
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1 Nov
Vollzeit Performance and Social Media Manager (m/w/d), Teilzeit und Homeoffice möglich
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management – gepostet von team-social – Vallendar, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland
General information
This position is initially a one-year fixed-term contract with the potential to become extended or permanent.
Your mission
- Strategize, create, manage, and optimize both organic and paid campaigns.
- Evaluate post and campaign performance in collaboration with our data analytics team.
- Collaborative planning and creation of content with teammates, our creative, the academic programs, and student initiatives.
- Co-manage our working partnerships with agencies and platforms
- Effectively distribute budget among paid efforts to best assist our recruitment teams by raising brand awareness and generate quality leads
Your profile
- Academic degree or equivalent qualification
- Deep understanding of social media best practices, ideally in the industry of higher education recruitment
- Solid technical understanding of installing and maintaining social media tracking tools, such as the Meta Pixel, LinkedIn Insight Tag, and Meta CAPI.
- Experience with organic and paid campaigns on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, and YouTube.
- Independent and structured way of working, attention to detail as well as team oriented with a hands-on mentality
- You have very good knowledge of German and English
- You are characterized by reliability and resilience
What we offer
- A diverse and international working environment
- An open-minded, supportive, and motivated team
- Opportunities to actively contribute to the school’s development
- Flat hierarchies and fast decision-making processes
- Attractive skill development and training offerings
- Flexible working time models, including home office option
- Exclusive company-sponsored social benefits
- Ecofriendly mobility offers (e.g., JobTicket, JobRad, e-mobility)
- Various fitness and health activities
For questions please contact:
Verena Wieland
Director Marketing
E-Mail: verena.wieland@whu.edu
Joseph Hlavaty
Associate Director Marketing / Digital Marketing
E-Mail: joseph.hlavaty@whu.edu
Jobtypen: Vollzeit.
Stellenausschreibung läuft aus in 57 days.
Apply for this Job
- 10179
- 10965
- 10997
- 360 grad
- 80807
- A/B Testing
- Abgeordnetenhaus
- Abschlussarbeit
- accessoires
- Account Management
- Account Manager
- Account Managment
- Ad Management
- Adobe Cq5
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- AdWords
- Affiliate
- Affiliate Marketing
- Affilinet
- Afrika
- After Effects
- Agentur
- amazon
- american
- Analyse
- Analytics
- Android
- animation
- Augsburg
- Auswertung
- automobil
- Automotive
- Aviation
- B2B
- Bayern
- Beauty
- Befristete Stelle
- Berater
- Beratung
- Berlin
- Betriebswirtschaftslehre
- Bewegtbild
- bezahltes Praktikum
- Biosphärenreservate
- blog
- Blogbetreuung
- Blogger
- Blogger-Relations
- Blogs
- bodensee
- Bonn
- Brand
- Brand Design
- Branding
- Bremen
- Buch
- Bundeskriminalamt
- Business
- Campact
- campaign
- Campaign Manager
- Campaigning
- CHIO Aachen
- Cloud
- Commuity Manager
- Communication
- Communications
- Community
- Community building
- Community Management
- Community Manager
- Consultant
- Consulting
- Content
- Content Creation
- Content Management
- Content Management System
- Content Marketing
- content production
- Content Redakteur
- Content-Kreation
- Content-Produktion
- Contracting
- Conversion
- Copywriting
- Creation
- Creative
- Cruises
- Customer
- Customer Service
- Customer Support
- Design
- Designer
- Deutsch
- Deutschsprachiges Community-Management im Tourismus Sektor
- Digital
- Digital Agentur
- Digital Brand
- Digital Communications
- Digital Marketing
- Digital Media Analyse
- digital pioneers
- Digital Transformation
- Digitalagentur
- digitale Kommunikation
- digitale strategie
- Digitalisierung
- Digitalkonzept
- Digitalmarketing
- Digitalprojekte
- Display Marketing
- Dortmund
- Druck
- E-Commerce
- E-Mail Marketing
- ebay
- eCommerce
- editor
- Editorial
- einzelhandel
- Eltern
- eMarketing
- Emoticon
- Employer Branding
- Engagement
- englisch
- English
- Entertainment
- Event
- Events
- Experte
- external
- facebook marketing
- fanpage
- Feed Marketing
- Feinkonzept
- Festanstellung
- Film
- Filme
- filmproduktion
- FirstSpirit
- flexibel
- Flughafen
- Flyer
- Food
- Foto
- fotografie
- Frankfurt am Main
- Frauen
- Freie Mitarbeit
- Friedrichshafen
- Fußball
- Games
- Genauigkeit
- German
- Germanistik
- Gesellschaft
- Gesundheitswesen
- Google Ads
- Google Analytics
- Google Plus
- Google+
- gopro
- Grafik
- Grafik Design
- Grafikdesiger
- Grafikdesign
- Grafikdesignerin
- Grafiken
- Grafiker
- Grafikerin
- grobkonzept
- Hamburg
- handel
- Hannover
- Hashtag
- Headline
- Heimarbeit
- hip
- Hochschule
- Home Office
- Homeoffice
- homepage
- Homepagebetreuung
- HR
- human resources
- Ideen
- illustrator
- In Design
- InDesign
- Influencer
- Influencer Management
- Influencer Marketing
- Informatik
- Inklusion
- Inkubator
- Innovation
- intern
- international
- Internationale Politik
- Internet
- JavaScript
- job
- Journalismus
- Journalist
- Jugend
- Junior
- Kamera
- Kampagne
- Kanal
- Keyword
- Kino
- Knowledge Management
- Köln
- Kommune
- Kommunikation
- Kommunikationswissenschaft
- Kommunikationswissenschaften
- Konzept
- Konzepte
- Konzepter
- Konzeption
- Konzeptioner
- Kreation
- kreativ
- Kreativagentur
- Kreativität
- Krefeld
- Kreuzberg
- Kultur
- Kunden
- Kundenberatung
- Kundenbetreuung
- kundenpräsentation
- Kunst
- Lead
- Leipzig
- Lektor
- Lifestyle
- London
- Lufthansa
- Magazin
- Managed Services
- Management
- Management & Wirtschaft
- Manager
- Marken
- Markenkommunikation
- markenkumminkation
- Marketing
- Marketing & Vertrieb
- Mathe
- Mathematik
- Media
- Media-Planning
- Mediaplan
- Mediapläne
- Mediaplanung
- Medien
- Mediendesign
- Mediendesigner
- Mediendesignerin
- Medienevaluation
- Mediengestalter
- Mediengestalter/in
- Mediengestalterin
- Mediengestaltung
- mercedes
- Messaging
- Messe
- Metrics
- Minderheiten
- Mitgliederverwaltung
- Mitmachen
- mobil
- Mobile
- Mobiles
- Mobilisierung
- mode
- Monitoring
- Moodboards
- Movies
- Multi Variant Testing
- multimedia
- münchen
- Mutter
- MVT Testing
- Nachhaltigkeit
- Nationalparks
- Nebenjob
- Network
- Netzwerk
- npo
- Öffentlicher Dienst
- Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- Öffnetlicher Dienst
- Online
- Online Marketing
- Online Marketing Manager
- Online Marketing Specialist
- Online Redakeur
- Online Redaktion
- Online Werbung
- Online-Kommunikation
- Online-Marekting
- Online-PR
- Online-Redakteur
- Onlinekampagnen
- Onlinekommunikation
- Onlinemarketing
- Onlinemedien
- organic
- Organisation
- Osteuropa
- Paid Social
- Parktikum
- Parlament
- part-time
- Performance
- Performance Marketing
- performance social advertising
- Personalbeschaffung
- Personalentwicklung
- Personalmarketing
- Personalwesen
- Personas und Kreativitätstechniken
- Pflichtpraktikum
- Pflichtpraktikum oder studienbegleitendes Praktikum in Standort: Stuttgart
- Pharma
- photoshop
- Physik
- Physiker
- Pitch
- Plattform
- Playmobil
- Pm
- Politik
- Portugiesisch
- Posting
- PR
- Praktikum
- Präsentation
- Premiere
- Presse
- Pressearbeit
- Printmedien
- Project
- project management
- Projekt
- Projektarbeit
- Projekte
- Projektmanagement
- Projektmanager
- Projektmanagment
- Psychologe
- Psychologie
- Public Relations
- Recherche
- Recruiting
- Redakteur
- Redakteurin
- Redaktion
- Redaktionsplan
- Redaktionsplanung
- Redeakteurin
- Referent Social Media
- Reise
- reisen
- Remote
- Reporting
- Reportings
- Retargeting
- RP
- Sales
- Sales Manager
- Sales Managerin
- schmuck
- schreiben
- seniorsocialmediamanager
- Sentiment-Analyse
- Service
- shop
- Snapchat
- socail media
- Social
- social advertsing
- Social Media
- Social Media Conceptionist
- Social Media Content
- Social Media Expert
- Social Media Facebook
- Social Media Kampagne
- Social Media Kanäle
- social media lead
- Social Media Management
- Social Media Manager
- Social Media Manager und Social Media-Redakteur.
- Social Media Manager/in
- Social Media Marketing
- Social Media Marketing Manager
- Social Media Redakteur/in
- Social Media Relations
- Social Media Strategie
- Social Media Support
- Social Media und Social Media Manager.
- Social Media Werkstudent Online-Marketing Marketing und Kommunikation
- Social Media-Konzeptioner
- Social Media-Redakteur
- Social Relations
- Social Web
- Social-Media
- Socialmedia
- Sozial
- Sozial-/ Kulturwissenschaften
- Soziale Arbeit
- Soziale Medien
- Spenden
- Spielzeug
- Sport
- Sprache
- sprachgewandt
- Stadtmarketing
- Stars
- Start-Up
- Startup
- Statistik
- Storytelling
- Stratege
- Strategie
- Strategien
- Strategy
- Student
- Studentische Aushilfe
- Studium
- Styleguides
- Suchmaschinenmarketing
- Suchmaschinenoptimierung
- Support
- Tag Manager
- Teamleiter
- Teamleiterin
- Teamleitung
- Technik
- Teilzeit
- Text
- Texter
- Theater
- Tools
- Tourismus
- Tourismusmarketing
- Tracking
- Tradedoubler
- Trainee
- Traineeship
- travel
- trend
- Trendforschung
- Trends
- Ulm/Donau
- Unternehmenskommunikation
- Usability
- User
- User Experience
- User Journeys
- User Support
- UX
- Vektorgrafiken
- Veranstaltung
- Verbraucherbildung
- Verden
- Verlag
- Vertrieb
- Vertriebler
- Vertrieblerin
- Verwaltung
- Video
- video produktion
- Video Redakteur/in
- Videografie
- viral
- visibility
- Volontariat
- Web
- Web Design
- Webdesiger
- Webdesign
- Webdesigner/in
- Webdesignerin
- Werbeagentur
- Werbung
- Werkstudent
- Wirtschaft
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Wissensmanagement
- Wissensplatform
- Wordpress
- Writer
- Youtube
- Zanox
- Zeitgeist
- ZF
- Zivilgesellschaft